4 Tips to Help You feel Comfortable in Front of the Camera

You understand the power of imagery and how it can connect you to your audience and wider community. You recognise the more you show up in your business, the more magnetic you and your brand become. In short, you know sharing your story is essential to the success of your business. And yet, you feel physically ill thinking about stepping out from behind your business and stepping in front of the camera.

You’re afraid to show up and allow yourself to be fully seen. You’re not alone.

The first thing most women tell me when they book a shoot is some versionof, “I hate getting my photo taken”- I get it. Being in front of the camera can be a challenging and intimidatingscenario. It can bring up vulnerabilities, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and your inner mean girl. But I promise you, it doesn’t have to be as scary as your ego wants you to think. In fact, it can be an empowering experience that catapults your confidence and the way you run your business.

I’ve been a personal brand photographer for four years, and working with introverts, ‘Nervous Nelly’s’ and camera-shy gals has become my forte. After hundreds of photoshoots, I’ve found that it’s not the fancy outfits, a hair and make-up artist, or even confidence that makes a photoshoot go spectacularly well. It’s trust with a capital T. Trust in each other and in the process. Trust that we’ll find flow and it’ll lead us somewhere magical. 

Again and again, I find the images we end up loving the most, that really show off someone’s brand personality, are the unplanned moments, sparked by a tiny fleeting moment of curiosity that led us to say, “let’s give this a try.” This openness leads to images that cannot be recreated and are 100% unique to the person in front of the lens. 

Have I convinced you that it’s time to stop dragging your feet and book that personal brand shoot? I hope so!

Here are a few tips and things to think about to help you feel confident and comfortable in front of the camera.

  1. Choose Your Photographer Wisely

Do your research. There’s no shortage of talented photographers to choose from, but they won’t all tickle your fancy. Review their portfolio to make sure you dig their style.

Once you’ve established that, make sure that you vibe with them as a human. Schedule an introductory call and ask questions to get to know them better.

Remember, you need to feel seen and safe in their presence. This allows you to show up wholeheartedly on the day of the shoot, and that energy will reflect in your stellar brand images.

2. Lean Into Your Quirks

Let go of what you think a brand photoshoot should look like (ahem- get off Pinterest!) and focus on highlighting what makes you unique and a fit for your ideal client. You don’t need to sit in front of a laptop in a stark white studio (although if you want to, go for it!) Focus on what sets you apart, and what makes you and your business original. The more you show up as your eccentric and beautiful self, the more deeply you’ll connect with the clients that understand and appreciate your gifts and personality. Have fun and go wild!

3. Be Prepared

It’s natural to feel anxious before the shoot, but the more you plan, the less nervous you’ll be. Select your outfits and props well before the day of the shoot and create a shot list by writing down all the different images you want to capture. Arrive to the photoshoot location early, and take a few minutes in your car to breathe slowly and deeply. Allow your breath to slow down your heart rate and calm your nerves. Or download a meditation app like The Mindfulness App, Headspace, or Calm and listen to it as you drive to the location.

4. Remember Your Why

Focus your awareness on why you started your business in the first place.

What is the deeper purpose of your brand? How do you serve, inspire and help your clients? Asking yourself these questions takes the attention (and anxiety) off of you and allows you to be in the energy of showing up and sharing what you can do for others.

Ready to book your personal branding shoot? Email me at lesliecarvitto.photography@gmail.com or head to the contact form.