Personal Branding Photoshoot | Surf Coast Photographer - Native Yoga Studio - Torquay Yoga Studio

Meet Natalie Williams
Founder of Native Yoga Studio

Native Yoga Studio is tucked away on a 2-acre property in Torquay. The gorgeous white barn-inspired building features high-pitch cathedral ceilings and is an intimate space for 12 yogis to practice and be together in community. The studio is nestled amongst the gum trees, and invites peace and ease to everyone who steps into the studio.

“Native Yoga Studio is a place to come together. A space to soften, relax and practice the beautiful healing modality of yoga and meditation. A space to just BE, in the moment, as you are. A place to heal, a place to nurture yourself.” - say Natalie.

Classes include an energising flow, gentle flow, yin, restore and sound therapy, and relax. You can learn more about Natalie and the studio here.

Are you a yoga teacher or a wellness practitioner that needs photos of your space, offerings and services?

Get in touch via the contact form if you want to talk about booking your personal brand photoshoot.