Personal Branding Photoshoot: Teresa Nunes, Melbourne VIC

Personal Branding Shoot with Teresa Nunes

Business: Teresa Nunes, Multidisciplinary designer, ceramics & botanical dyes

Location: Ink & Spindle, Abbotsford Convention, Melbourne

I watched in awe as Teresa took foraged plants and food waste like brown and red onion skins to create a gorgeous silk bandana. ⁣ ⁣Our photoshoot showed me just how much time and talent goes into making one product, and there was still a lot of behind the scenes work. ⁣ ⁣

Teresa aims to be as sustainable as possible with her process, and that begins with understanding where the fibres she uses come from, whether they're produced in an ethical manner, and what their environmental impact is. She also sources materials locally and repurposes fibres she finds in op shops whenever possible. ⁣ ⁣

Her work acts as a reminder to slow down, appreciate and respect nature's beauty, and to engage in a more tactile and meaningful experience with the world around us. ⁣ ⁣ It was an honor to work with Teresa and photograph her process and products. And now I can’t stop thinking about endless art experiments using just what mama Earth provides.


Ready to show the world who you are and what you do ? I can help. Contact me to talk about personal branding sessions!